When it comes to investing it is wise to do 3 things. In addition, this vanguard index chart has just now become your new best friend.

vanguard index chart

The value of the Vanguard index chart

This is the most important single piece of investment wisdom I can share with you from John C Bogle, Founder of Vanguard.Stay the course. No matter what happens, stick to your program. If I’ve said ‘stay the course’ a thousand times, I have meant it every time“.

The vanguard index chart shows us a lot!

The table above shows the performance of various asset classes over the past 30 years. When deciding where to invest your money, it is important for you as an investor to understand that the best and worst performing asset classes will often vary from one year to the next. Having a diversified mix of investments across multiple asset classes can help smooth out returns over time.

💡 This is your guide.


Our emtions around money…

Before we move on the the 3 key things when it comes to investing I want to explain how the cycle of emotions can derail you if you are not aware of this piece of gold.


The Cycle of Market Emotions

Most investors are aware of the cycle of market emotions hat they feel as the markets run through their cycles. Action and non action can have a big effect on your long term wealth.

💡 Market cycles are a influenced by economic, political and social events showing markets as seemingly unpredictable. And by allowing your emotions to drive investment decisions, be it fear in falling markets or overconfidence in rising markets, these types of decisions very rarely serve investors well.

History shows that those who ignore these emotional decisions during short-term market fluctuations and focus on their long term plan are rewarded for their patience and discipline.


vanguard index chart - cycles of investor emotions


Lets now look at the 3 Keys to Successful Investing in reference to the Vanguard index chart


💡 #1 Invest In Your Own Financial Education

Looking at the vanguard index chart becomes the start of your financial education. The table below shows the performance of various asset classes over the past 30 years. When deciding where to invest your money, it is important that you as an investor understand that the best and worst performing asset classes will often vary from one year to the next. Having a diversified mix of investments across multiple asset classes can help smooth out returns over time.


💡 #2 Having a Strong Financial Plan

The importance of a financial plan can never be under estimated. A good financial planner is your wealth coach if you are allowing him to do his job properly.

Having the right strategies along with a strong he habit of saving and investing in appreciating assets is how you will build your wealth.

The second part of a strong financial plan is knowing your WHY for building your wealth and having a plan built around it.Knowing your why begins the behavior change that focuses you upon what needs to be done.

Every success is accomplished with a good team and the vision of working towards a common goal. Your goal is taking the wisdom from the vanguard index chart and imprinting into your mind so that when you fall into fear of what is being presented by the media or ou are tempted to spend your savings on a depreciating item, your plan, the vanguard index chart, your wealth coach will help you stay on track.

The financial plan is there you YOU!
❇️ Remember the piece of investment wisdom I can give to you” John C Bogle, Founder of Vanguard, “Stay the course. No matter what happens, stick to your program”.


💡 #3 Your Commitment

Your commitment to paying yourself first, saving, sticking to your plan, and the baby steps of success builds that commitment more strongly. You’ve seen successful people commit outside their boundaries and make the commitment to do something no matter what. This is now your commitment to yourself. And your vanguard index chart is your anchor. Hang it on your wall to remind you of what you are doing and where you are going. Your vanguard index chart is your secret weapon!


Need help?

If you need help setting up and maximizing some of, or all your ‘investment strategy… call us on 7111 0022 (or contact us) and arrange a face-to-face meeting with us.

We can help you clarify your financial plan and also give you unbiased general wealth and investment planning advice that lays out your options without the hard sell. Your first ‘discovery’ meeting with us is fee-free and obligation-free.

❇️ Call us on 08 7111 0022 or email to book an chat here

Arthur Panagis
Author, Founder, Wealth Coach and Financial Strategist

B.Bus (Accountant)
Grad Dip (Financial Planning)
Professional Certificate in Self Managed Super Funds
ASX Listed Equities Accreditation
Tax (financial) Advisor



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Disclaimer: This article is factual information only. It is not intended to imply any recommendation about any financial product(s) or to constitute tax advice. The information in the article is reliable at the time of distribution, but may not be complete or accurate in the future.

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